Micro Markets
Micro markets are a self-service, self-checkout food buying option for your employees.
This form of miniature marketplace is not held up by the confinements of normal-sized vending machines. Instead, they’re more similar in style to a convenience store. This allows for many more food purchasing options. For example, it accommodates larger items that couldn’t fit in a vending machine, cold or frozen options, microwavable items, fruits and vegetables, and many more meal types. Plus, you can easily tailor the variety of items sold in each market to fit the unique needs of your corporation, including healthy snack options.
Micro Markets
Self Service Kiosks
Simply choose the food you want to purchase, scan the item at a checkout kiosk, pay with a credit or debit card, and you’re good to go. You don’t have to worry about security either. Our stations come equipped with cameras to monitor the customers and products in the machines.

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Discover the Premium Solutions difference and how we make it simple for you to get all your business vending, water, coffee, and cleaning services in one place. No more having to call different companies for different things. Just call us and we will hande it all.